Friday, 28 February 2014

The end and the beginning!

This week has been hectic to say the least. I got back to Cardiff on monday after moving all my stuff to Simon's flat on Saturday and have been doing weddingy stuff for the last week!

I have never organised so much craft in my life!

Here we are, the day before my wedding day. It hasn't really hit me yet that it is tomorrow. My dress is downstairs, my bag is packed up, we are just about to leave for the rehearsal, everyone is on their way to Cardiff, and loads of people keep messaging me asking various questions! It's finally here. After all this planning, tomorrow I will be married to the best man in the world.. Wow!!!

I just wanted to sign off by saying a massive thankyou. Thanks to all my faithful readers of this blog. For the support over the last few months, and for journeying with me! It has been quite an adventure and an honour to be able to share it with you.

I hope you have all been able to get to know me better and to have a little insight into why Simon &  are choosing to commit to each other tomorrow.

So here's to the end of our engagement, and the beginning of our marriage! Thanks you guys - it's been a blast!

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